Selasa, 05 September 2017

Talang Kuning, My Lovely Village

Hi, Guys..I'm Ryan again,,this time I want to share you about my hometown, actually my Village. 21 years ago I was born in a village called Talang Kuning. Do you want to know about my village?? Let see...

The Talang Kuning village is one of the villages in the mountain sub-district of Tuleh Kab.West Pasaman. This village is very dependent on agricultural and plantation products because most of these people have livelihoods as farmers.Community economy here is quite tolerable but still many are still lacking. In this village has a primary school that is SDN 03 Talang Kuning. This elementary school is quite old in Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor especially in parts of the opposite rise. Besides the elementary school this village also has a building that is used as a place to learn to deepen the Islamic religion of the MDA. The people of this village are 100 percent Muslim and communicate by using the mandailing language. The village is surrounded by beautiful scenery and has very clean water. This village is usually led by a village head and assisted by Ninik Mamak in this village .


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